Thursday, September 28, 2006



New York Times: German Opera Canceled Over a Depiction of Muhammad

Where is the moral equivalency between sawing off innocent people's heads on video for the world to see and the absolute outrage engendered in the Muslim world over centuries-old opera performances and quotes by the Pope of 7th century theologians (not even aimed at the Muslim world)? At least Al Qaeda is honest enough to come right out and say their goal is to over-throw our civilization and kill all who will not convert. Academics who would rave about the injustices of the Inquisition (& rightly so) wouldn't dare stick out their politically correct necks to point out we are in the midst of an Islamic Inquisition. There's just too many intelligent people who just can't comprehend that Western Civilization can fall. Over and over we fail to learn from history. These are people who would never modify their behavior in response to "our" sensitivities, but rampage in the streets at the slightest criticism (regardless of the century it comes from.) For anyone who has not done so yet, pick up the Koran. It is filled with calls to violence, calls to spread Islam by the sword , outrageous contradictions, ridiculous dictums, the oppression of women, and God (I mean Allah) knows what else. If there was ever a religion that demanded the end of Theism, this is it. Organized religions "must" be replaced by other social institutions over the next century or we may find ourselves in a new Medieval Dark Age, i.e., the end of Western, and other progressive, civilizations. The majority of people have such tunnel-vision, focused on the near-term trivia of their own lives, that they can't comprehend the fall of the US, much less the extinction of the Human Race. These all have prehistorical and historical precedent. I just hope it's not too late.

Check out this link for the original story on the opera.

Opera Canceled Over a Depiction of Muhammad

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